Abstract: Waterproof mortar has good weather resistance, durability, impermeability, compactness, extremely high bonding strength and strong waterproof and anti-corrosion effect. It is made of sand, ordinary cement and special cement to form cement mortar. Through the method of casting or spraying the mixed cement mortar and applying it manually, a solid waterproof and anti-corrosion mortar layer is formed on the concrete and surface. It is a rigid and tough waterproof and anti-corrosion material. It can be used for the treatment of building walls and floors and the waterproof layer of underground projects. The following mainly introduces the characteristics and classification of waterproof mortar and the mix ratio of polymer cement waterproof mortar.
- 1. What is waterproof mortar?
Waterproof mortar: a rigid waterproof material that achieves the purpose of waterproofing and anti-seepage by improving the density of the mortar and improving its resistance to strong winds. It is mainly used in waterproof projects that will not produce harmful cracks due to structural settlement, temperature, humidity changes, and vibration.
- 2. Classification of waterproof mortar
There are three types of waterproof mortar used as waterproof layer of waterproof engineering: rigid multi-layer cement mortar; waterproof mortar with waterproofing agent; polymer cement waterproof mortar.
1). Rigid multi-layer plastering type
Cement slurry prepared by adding cement and water and cement mortar prepared by cement, sand and water are layered and alternately applied and compacted so that most of the capillary channels of each layer are cut off, and the remaining small amount of capillary pores cannot form a through-hole network of water seepage holes. The hardened waterproof layer has high waterproof and anti-seepage properties.
2). Waterproofing agent type
Add various waterproofing agents to cement mortar to improve the waterproof performance of mortar. Commonly used waterproof mortars with waterproofing agents include chloride metal waterproof mortar, iron chloride waterproof mortar, metal soap waterproof mortar and super early strength agent waterproof mortar.
3). Polymer cement type
Mortar prepared with cement and polymer dispersion as cementing materials and sand. After the polymer cement mortar hardens, the polymer in the mortar can effectively close the interconnected pores, increase the compactness and crack resistance of the mortar, and thus improve the impermeability and impact resistance of the mortar. Polymer dispersion is a liquid material in which a certain amount of polymer glue (such as synthetic rubber, synthetic resin, natural rubber, etc.) and auxiliary additives (such as emulsifiers, stabilizers, defoamers, curing agents, etc.) are added to water and the polymer particles are evenly dispersed in water after stirring. Commonly used polymer varieties include: Deformer, Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC),Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer (PCE), Redispersible polymer powder(RDP),Silicone hydrophobic powder.